How to Make the Meridian Tributary Ring by Vintaj

SKU VID-0532
Designer: Mackie Mullane
In this video tutorial for Beadaholique, Mackie Mullane, designer and educational instructor with Vintaj, teaches how to make the Steampunk-inspired Meridian Tributary ring. Instructions and ingredients for this project can be found on
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi I'm Mackie Mullane and I'm a designer with Vintaj and I'm here today with Beadaholique to show you some riveting on our Meridian Tributary ring I have my centerpiece the ring base, two bead caps and a rivet I also have a ring mandrel Make sure that it's metal. It needs to be nice and sturdy because you're going to be hammering on top of that. I also have a rubber base on a metal base to flatten the bead caps go ahead and flatten these out and there I have created two washers for the ring and then you're also going to want to hole punch the center of these or you can also use the ring mandrel to make the hole bigger and then also with the chain nose pliers flatten those extra raised areas out okay so now that now they have those ready go ahead and string one place the medallion in the Center and string the next okay so move your bench block out of the way slide your ring onto the ring mandrel make sure that's nice and tight alright and then you can use your flush cutters and clip about the thickness of a credit card away from the rivet hold your finger over the top so it doesn't go flying everywhere and then hold that in the center and hammering it's just spreading that rivet and that's what going to hold that tight and there you have your adjustable ring. Go to to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!

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