Show and Tell: Metal Flower Beads

SKU VID-0800
Designer: Kat Silvia
Available in 10 colors and 4 sizes ranging from 6mm to 12mm, these sweet aluminum flowers are brilliantly colored in matte finishes. They are perfect for adding to mixed media projects. You can also sew them onto fabric or affix them using adhesive.
Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Kat with in 'm and they are colored with just a matte finish so you can kind of see how they sort of just glow and really beautiful and they're very light because they are made of aluminum I have a couple of projects here we have the Gothic Rose ring which is a very simple way to utilize these guys as is the Frieda hairpin now these are great because you can't see the hole in the middle there and they've just been glued on to the hairpin I do want to show you really quickly how you can actually open these guys up because you're probably wondering oh how are they beads so just take a pair of pliers and you're just going to reach in and sort of bend the petal back and there's three petals in the middle here and you'll notice that there is a hole you see that so you can actually string up through grab a bead and string back through and what's nice about these is they're aluminum which means you can bend them with some what am I trying to say you can actually bend these a couple of times before they break off but I do want to warn you to be careful just because you don't want to sort of bend it back and forth and then because eventually it will Bend off so just be very careful with these guys they are really sweet and delicate and they do come in ten different colors and four different sizes and I've laid my sizes out here for you we have the twelve millimeter ten eight and six so just choose your favorite color and your size and go ahead and get creative over here I have a couple of flowers that I have painted and you various items on and I'm going to have a video showing you how to do this these are really sort of blank slates and they're really fun to work with so I hope you enjoyed this video you can find all of these supplies at you

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